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  • The Beer Brewing Process – Step 6 : Filtering

    The final step in the beer brewing process for most mass produced beers is filtering. Filtering is polishing up the finished beer and making sure that it remains stable so that when it reaches the shelves and the stores and is exposed to light and other environmental factors, it doesn’t change in taste, color and…

  • The Beer Brewing Process – Step 5 : Conditioning

    You have reached the final process that most home brew and craft beer will undergo before it is completed, packed and ready to ship to stores. After all the changes that it has undergone, from malt to mash to wort and then finally to the beer that you’re familiar with, micro breweries will still want…

  • The Beer Brewing Process – Step 4 : Fermenting

    From regular barley cereal, your initial ingredient has undergone several changes by the time you reach step 4, Fermentation. Your barley has been changed into malt (Malting), then into mash (Mashing) and then into liquid wort (Lautering).  For fermenting, you will use the sterile, flavored wort that’s the result of the previous step, Boiling.

  • The Beer Brewing Process – Step 3: Boiling

    To give a quick run down on the previous steps of the beer brewing process, you first had malt which will then be made into mash (Mashing) through the addition of water.   Lautering follows which separates the wort (the liquid part of the mash) from the spent grain.  Now, you will be able to move…

  • The Beer Brewing Process – Step 2: Lautering

    Just to give you a brief background, you need malt to create beer and it’s crafted from cereal grain like barley (usually), wheat or rye.  When you steep, germinate and kiln the grain, they now are transformed into malt which is then turned into mash, which is the first step in the beer brewing process. …

  • The Beer Brewing Process – Step 1: Mashing

    Brewing beer is a lengthy process.  It doesn’t matter if you’re doing a regular-flavored beer or a special handcrafted artisan beer.  You will all have to pass through the same brewing process and it all starts with “Mashing”.  Well, it actually starts with “Malting” which is the actual process to germinate a cereal grain, like…

This is how it all started…

One Sunday afternoon my girlfriend Kathy and I were visiting the Oakleigh Brewcraft store (A home brew supplies store near Melbourne) to grab ingredients for a traditional English IPA. After chatting to the friendly staff were lucky enough to get a tour of the warehouse!

We started talking about websites, and I mentioned that I had built directory websites for clients, and really wanted to build one for myself but wasn’t sure what to focus on. The biggest advertising dollars are in real estate, cars and insurance, but I knew it needed to be something I’m passionate about to really work.

Well, standing there in the Oakleigh Brewcraft warehouse the answer was all around me, and thanks to Kathy for stating what seems so obvious afterwards. “Build a directory of Australian breweries, home brew stores and brewery tours!”. As soon as I got home I registered, brewed a nice IPA, and got to coding;)

Chris Finnegan