7 reasons to start home brewing now

Beer is undoubtedly a favorite beverage among regular people.  You drink beer to relax after a hectic day at work.  You drink beer with your buddies watching your favorite movies or games on TV.  You drink beer as part of your special occasion.  But, of all the times that you’ve drunk beer, it probably hasn’t occurred to you to brew your own beer.  There are many reasons why a home brewery will be your new favorite hobby.  Find out their reasons why.

Your choice of ingredients

One of the best advantages of brewing your own beer is that you know exactly what’s in it because you yourself chose the ingredients.  Each time you make the beer, you have a choice of altering the amount and type of ingredients, adjusting the process to get a different type of beer every time.  Even though it may seem like trial and error, you can perfect the taste and flavor of your beer because you have control of where you’re buying the ingredients.  The quality of the ingredients that you use, has a major impact on the success of your home brew, even the water!

Your own hard work pays off

There is a sense of pride when you do your own brewing.  It may involve a lot of learning and refining the process but in the end, you did it yourself and you can take pride in the fact that you persevered and you were able to accomplish something special.  Home brewing is a continuous learning process because every time you start a brew, you can do something completely different from the previous batch.  There is no time to be bored because there’s always something new to learn, or a new recipe to try.

Making time to relax

Spending time with your home brewery is relaxing. Seriously it gets you away from the computer, gives you time to think, unwind or chat with friends.  And of course it should be done while sampling a beer or two!

Satisfaction guaranteed!

The more you practice, the better you become with home brewing.  It’s best for your first try at home brewing to keep the beer brewing process simple.  But once you get the hang of it and you understand the way the ingredients behave and how you can improve your own brewing process, it will only be a short time before you can be proud of your own range of top brews.

It’s something that’s Out-of-the-box

Brewing your own beer is still something that’s out there and it’s not as common place as, playing computer games, or riding a bike.  It can be a great story to share with your family and friends, while you impress them with the quality of beer that you’ve made with your own tools and equipment.  It’s really something to be proud of.

It’s not that time consuming

Home brewing only takes a couple of hours for preparation.  The rest of the time is spent waiting for the beer to ferment and to age.  This waiting period can be one to two months (Tip: brew often when starting out to build up your stock).  Once fermentation and aging are done, then your beer is done too and you’ll be able to enjoy it with the rest of your family.

It will save you money

If you are a regular beer drinker, it’s about time to compare the costs of your buying your beer against making it on your own.  It may initially take a small investment to buy the tools and the ingredients but home brewing at least halves the price of beer even using premium quality ingredients. The best part about it is that it’s your own original recipe and will probably be your favorite drop!

Unlimited possibilities

The rapid increase in the number of Australian breweries is reflected in the resurgence of home brewing your own beer. There are now so many different types of quality ingredients available from home brew stores that there is no limit to the variety of beers that could be created. In fact you can experiment with unusual ingredients like coriander and orange peel. Oh the possibilities!