Summit Hops In Beer - Flavour, Substitutes & Styles

Summit Hops In Beer – Flavour, Substitutes & Styles


Exploring the Summit Hops in Beer – Flavour, Substitutes & Styles

One of the significant charms of brewing is the chance to experiment with various ingredients, transforming an ordinary ale or lager into a unique concoction — a symphony of aromas, flavours, and textures. One such magic ingredient responsible for the elusive notes in your favourite pint is the almighty hop. Today, we turn the spotlight on one such gem, the mighty Summit hop, known for its bold flavours and unique characteristics, especially adored by breweries down-under. So, let’s all hop on this exploration grind and unravel the wonders of Summit Hops in Beer – its flavours, substitutes, and common styles.

Discovering the Hoppy History of Summit Hops

The Summit hop holds the prestige of being the first dwarf hop bred in the United States,offering brewers worldwide a compelling bittering option since its introduction in 2003. The daughter of numerous hop varieties, including Lexus and an unspecified male derived from numerous hops, including Zues, Nugget and Brewers Gold. This American hop made its way into Australia, making an impact on the country’s rapidly growing craft beer industry.

Summit hops are chiefly grown in Washington State, taking advantage of the region’s fertile soil and favourable climate. They’re primarily harvested mid-season, with a high yield, making them a beloved choice for many brewers.

Summit Hops in Beer -Flavour, Aroma & Characteristics

If there’s one thing that sets Summit hops apart, it’s their robust flavour and aroma profile. They’re known for their remarkable earthy, citrusy presence, with strong grapefruit notes at the forefront and undertones of tangerine, and hints of spice and anise.

Summit hops possess high alpha acids (16-18%), renowned for bestowing beers with strong bitterness, with Beta acids being (4.0-5.5%). These alpha acid-packed hops are celebrated for their versatile dual-purpose nature. They deliver a solid bitter backbone to the brews at the boil stage and imbue aromatic qualities when added at the end of the boiling process or in dry hopping.

Summit Hops in Beer Styles

Summit hops bring a tantalising twist to numerous beer styles. They’re an excellent addition to American Ales, Pale Ales, IPAs, Stouts and Barley Wines, where their expressive bittering and aromatic characteristics shine through.

Several breweries in Australia feature this hop prominently. An exemplar is Cult Classic American Pale Ale from Scotty’s Brew Club in Melbourne, known for its signature Summit hop notes. Sun Dog Amber Ale from All Inn Brewing Co, Brisbane, also uses Summit hops to lend a delightful citrus pop to their beer.

Suggestions for Summit Hops Substitutes

If you’re keen to try brewing but can’t get your hands on Summit hops, or perhaps you’d like to experiment with a similar flavour profile with minor adjustments, we’ve got you covered. Some close alternatives include the Zeus or Nugget hops. Both have similar high alpha acid percentages, delivering powerful bitterness but with a slightly different aroma.

Conclusion – Why Summit Hops Matter

Truly, Summit hops hold a distinguished place in the world of brewing with their unique flavour contributions and dual-purpose nature that adds depth to a multitude of beer styles. In Australia, particularly, Summit hops continue to play an essential role in the craft beer scene, adding dynamic layers to many artisan brews.

So, why not head on over to your local brewery and sample beers with different types of hops, or even better, consider brewing your own Summit hop beer! As the craft beer industry surges forth, the canvas for innovation is more extensive than ever. Lastly, we encourage you to raise a toast to summit hops – the unsung hero that brings your favourite brew to life with its bold, bitter magic.